Join California Solar CitiSuns and bring your voice to the solar industry table…and it’s free!

CALSEIA is pleased to introduce the California Solar CitiSuns, an organization to inform all solar consumers about decisions that may impact you and help protect pro-solar policies for the future. Randy Zechman, Clean Solar CEO, is the Bay Area CALSEIA Chapter President and excited to promote this new group.

 The more people who join, the stronger your voices will be. Consumers need this strong voice, and that’s what California Solar CitiSuns is all about.

California Solar CitiSuns will:

  • Provide you with regular updates on policies that may impact you
  • Highlight opportunities to voice your support for pro-solar policies
  • Connect the solar consumer community together with information, resources, tips and other ways of sharing ideas and news.

The decision to go solar is always a personal choice. Whether you invested in solar in order to reduce your utility bills or to help improve our environment, or both, you and thousands of other consumers have made California a global leader in solar energy – and it is greatly appreciated!

California Solar CitiSuns – A New Voice for those with Solar

Free to Join!

The mission of California Solar Energy Industries Association (CALSEIA) is to promote the growth of the solar industry and expand the use of all solar technologies throughout California. CALSEIA accomplishes its mission through policy development, advocacy, education, networking, and business services.

You can learn more about this new organization by visiting